
World of warships baltimore vs cleveland aa
World of warships baltimore vs cleveland aa

world of warships baltimore vs cleveland aa

To further sweeten the deal, Zaō also gains two barrels for a total of twelve, and they are mounted in a friendlier setup of four triple turrets. And what an upgrade it is! The HE and especially AP shells gain considerable potency, and Zaō delivers them with an accuracy and velocity unprecedented in the line. Japanese cruiser captains will be delighted to know that Zao finally gets an entire new model of gun, replacing the venerable 3rd Year Type that has been the trademark of the line since the Furutaka all the way back in Tier V. The ninja among Tier X cruisers, Zao specializes in striking with a single massive salvo, then slipping away before the enemy can retaliate. The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.įor a graphic summary of ships Tiers VIII thru XI see LittleWhiteMouse's "Actual AA DPS". Main battery reload time decreased from 13 to 12.5 s.Warning.Minimum main battery dispersion decreased, raised accuracy by approximately 10%.The firing range of the secondary battery was increased to 6.6 km.Armor penetration of shells was increased by about 12.5%.Other detectability ranges increased accordingly. Detectability range by ships increased from 14.24 to 14.54 km.Main battery reload time decreased from 13.5 to 13.0 s.Introduced into the game as a researchable ship in Update 0.9.6.Available for Soviet tokens in the Armory.Surveillance Radar consumable action time increased from 10 to 15 s.

world of warships baltimore vs cleveland aa world of warships baltimore vs cleveland aa

AP shell ricochet check angle decreased from 55 to 50 degrees.Detectability range by ships increased from 12.24 to 14.04 km.Surveillance Radar consumable action time decreased from 20 to 10 s.

World of warships baltimore vs cleveland aa